Thursday, March 7, 2013

On this 27th anniversary of my birth...

27 years and roughly 9 months ago a miracle started to happeninside of a young woman.  A small life, quickly growing, something forbidden.  A child between two unwed 18year olds from  catholic families.  It would have been so easy for them to make a decision not to have a child.  They could have hidden the entire situation from their families.  Ive been told that itwas never an option for them and for this I am grateful.

My parents and step parents made many sacrifices in their lives so I could have a better life.  I since have grown.   Today I am 27 years old and my life is a daily adventure.  I wake up never knowing what my day will bring and I couldnt get enough of life.

I want to take a minute  to thank you for loving me and nurturing me.  Thank you for feeding me and showing me how to love and smile and laugh and how to be angry and sad and how to express myself with music.  Thank you for reading to me and letting me read to you.  Thank you for embracing my strange ways of thinking and even adopting some of my attitudes.  Thank you for every time you helped me reach something.  Thank you for every time you corrected me and taught me right from wrong.  But most of all thank you for all of my siblings.  Until I became a father I enjoyed being an older brother more than I have enjoyed anything in my life.  I wasnt always the best brother but in teaching my siblings I learned so much about love and life.  In being a brother I have had some of the most fantastic relationships that continue to grow every day.  Thank you brothers and sisters for putting up with me and loving me.  Thanks to my mother and father  for having me and thank you to my step parents for continuing for putting up with me. Thanks parents for everything you have ever done for me.    I love you all and I love my life.